Saturday, November 29, 2008

two face


There’s always two sides of the coin

The first one is a choice to love

Someone who couldn’t sincerely love you back

I tried to give up everything

Just to let him know I am determined

To wait until the moon and stars would fall

He may have loved me in the past

But that was done before I realize

He was changing and started to drift away

Leaving me in doubt and hanging up

For answers I couldn’t tangibly grasp

With my worthless loneliness

Killing me slowly

Breaking me apart

Like a shattered glass

His emails may have been passionate

His offline messages may be sincere

But that was all said and done

In the past

Gone with the wind

When he started to remain silent

To my emotional cry and longings

The second side is a reason to move on

And embrace a coming love from unexpected chance

I tried to runaway over and over again

But my misery tells me to hold on to it

He may be selfless to reach the moon and the stars for me

But I am afraid to open up my heart

Sometimes I realize he may not be the one

That I am waiting and wishing for

In this cold and lonesome life

But I feel he has the capacity to love

Someone like me wholeheartedly

Without expecting return

Or accept my vulnerabilities

He loves the way I fall down

And pick up myself when I’m hopeful

He may be another stranger

Longing to open up his heart

For me

And make me see

The beauty of his capacity

To love unconditionally

For a fool like me

Heaven help me…

Which side of the coin should I choose?

To let my heart finally have its rest

From the restless journey I endured

No more games, I must be free from misery (written the day Peter and his bf came to visit me from the US) …phoenix

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